
barrados no Tibet

Fomos barrados no Tibet, de novo! 

Na primeira vez que viemos ao Nepal, em 2004, queríamos muito dar uma esticada até Lhasa, no Tibet, mas naquela ocasião não tínhamos vistos chineses e não pudemos ir. 

Anos depois fomos à China mas esticamos até o Vietnam e também acabamos não indo ao Tibet.

Desta vez eu estava com tudo organizado para finalmente conhecer Lhasa: preparada para enfrentar a altitude, vistos chineses na mão, guia do Tibet comprado na mochila, e tudo acertado com uma agência de viagens local que conseguiria nossos permits e organizaria um tour para nós, pois esta é a única maneira de estrangeiros conseguirem entrar na região: com um pacote turístico comprado antecipadamente, com guias e transporte local.

Quando estávamos ainda na Rússia mandei um e-mail para a agência, com nossos passaportes escaneados e o resto da documentação necessária, e peguei o número da conta deles para depositar o dinheiro. Passada uma semana, a péssima notícia: o governo chinês fechou o Tibet para estrangeiros até o final de julho, aparentemente em razão do aniversário de 60 anos da invasão chinesa na região, para evitar protestos.

Ahhhhh que ódio! Que esses chineses pensam que são? Além de invadir o Tibet, acabar com as riquezas naturais do país e reprimir a cultura, religião e língua tibetanas, agora esses idiotas do governo simplesmente me fecham o Tibet bem quando eu quero entrar!?!?!

Bueno, vetados no Tibet, viemos para o Nepal - aguardem notícias!

PS. As notícias da internet sobre o "fechamento":

Travel agents say China has closed Tibet to foreigners until July 26 in an apparent move to head off trouble surrounding sensitive political anniversaries. Agents say official written notice of the closure was received June 1 and cited last month's 60th anniversary of communist rule over Tibet as the cause. However, with the May 23 anniversary already passed, the closure seems more likely targeted at the 90th anniversary of ruling Communist Party's founding, which is July 1. Ren Zhiwei of Tibet China Travel Service and Zeng Meimei of Tibet China International Travel Service, both in Lhasa, said Thursday that Chinese tourists are not affected by the ban. Tibet has been closed intermittently to foreign tourists since deadly anti-government protests there in 2008.

FOREIGN tourists will be barred from going to Tibet until the end of July, travel agents said on Monday, the second time this year the troubled region has been closed to overseas visitors. 'At the moment we're not admitting foreign tourists,' an employee at China Travel Service in the regional capital Lhasa said, adding the agency had received a notice saying this would be enforced until July 26. A worker at the Tibet Youth Travel Service agency confirmed the ban, saying it begins on Tuesday and was linked to celebrations marking the 60th anniversary of China's rule over Tibet, reportedly scheduled for July. The official Global Times newspaper quoted the Lhasa-based manager of a travel website as saying they would not accept tourists holding foreign passports until mid-August due to 'safety concerns.' A spokesman for the Tibetan government said he was unaware of the situation. Tensions run deep in Tibet, where many Tibetans accuse the government of trying to dilute their culture, and cite concern about what they view as increasing domination by China's majority Han ethnic group.


Claudia Rodrigues Pegoraro

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